Tuesday, October 7, 2014

32, how about you?

I'll be honest. I wasn't so sure this birthday would be a very enjoyable one, what with being so far from all my friends and family and familiarity. For some reason I've come to believe you should have a good time on your birthday if at all possible. Probably because I think that God celebrates the fact that we were born...and if He does, then we should, too. 

But how does an extrovert like me celebrate when there are no people around? Answer: FaceTime with parents, go shopping at Lowe's (because I'm a big kid now) and enjoy a Pride & Prejudice marathon until Trav gets home from work. Done and done!

 Yeah, that's a cactus. I now own my own cactus.
And I got some supplies to redo a few furniture pieces--thanks, Dad!

Mr. Bingley had a good time relaxing, as per usual.

When Trav was finished working, we finally got to go explore the Riverwalk! I haven't been there in probably ten years, but it looks just as magical. Maybe more so, because now it's my city. But Travis had never seen it, so showing him around was fun! In case you haven't seen it either, here are some shots for you to get an idea.

 Tour boats on the man-made Riverwalk.

 Long live Mariachi bands! They will play at your table and literally blow trumpets in your face if the price is right. Heck, they'll do it regardless. You cannot escape the Mariachi.

 The restaurant umbrellas' reflection in the water is my favorite thing.

He doesn't like it when I make him take pictures. But he's usually a good sport about it.
And ain't he cute??

But let's talk about the main gift, or as I like to call them, my induction into Texas culture. I present to you MY NEW BOOTS!

Can you smell the leather from your screen? Mmmmmm...

And speaking of mmmm, we have a Cheesecake Factory nearby. We consider ourselves among the elite to have such delicious dessert within ten miles of us.

 Caramel turtle pecan. Next time I'll try the pumpkin pecan. Then the banana cream. Then...

 My singing waiters..at least there is no clapping involved at the CF.

Best present of all. Every day with this guy.

Not too shabby for only being in town two weeks. My husband loves me well. My parents and friends love me well. God loves me more than all. And we're living the adventure He has called us to. 32 is starting off fairly well, I'd say.

Much love to you all, and thank you for the birthday wishes!

1 comment:

  1. Love your boots and SO GLAD you had a great birthday! I've always wanted a pair of red boots myself. ;) Love you guys!
