Wednesday, November 19, 2014

cowboys and couches.

Houston, we are approaching...normalcy.

We are slowly settling into a rhythm of work, home, church and social life. Less exploring and more routine, which isn't necessarily bad. We've found a church family...and I had my very first social outings this week--a coffee date with a real person, and a painting class with another real person! It was very exciting. (Thanks, Bre and Sarah!)

We did have a mini adventure last week when we went to a year-round farmer's market in a really cool district of town. Here are some random pictures of our beautiful fall the way, we have discovered that autumn lasts about a week here. We had some gorgeous days where we thought, "Oh wow, the leaves will start changing now!" And the next day, it was in the 40s. And rainy. For a week. So...welcome, winter?
Anyway, I digress. Pictures!

We also had our first outing to Shepler's, the cowboy superstore. Wall-to-wall boots, hats, and every kind of leather clothing you can imagine (that doesn't belong on a Harley Davidson, that is). It really was a wonderland, and we discovered that I might have a true cowboy on my hands.

I think he could be a pretty cute rancher.

In other exciting news, San Antonio got its first Menchie's. We were ecstatic, especially because it's about .25 miles from our home. Here is Trav's celebratory stance at the grand opening:

Menchie's now has a Cinnabon flavor that is knock-your-socks-off good. We're in trouble.

We also met our first full-bred bull terrier since our beloved Elvis passed away. I cried right there at the street corner as Travis bonded with this sweet pup. Truly one of the greatest dog breeds ever.

I've taken to Christmas crafting lately. Trying my hand at some homemade coffee sleeves! I'd show you some pics, but as some of you might be receiving them for Christmas, I can't go ruining the surprise. But just so you know, they're pretty cute.

And, of course, your weekly Bingley pic. Here he is, conked out and way too fat. I sure love him though. I keep telling Travis we need to get Mr. Bingley a kitty-brother so that he'll run around more and lose some of those kibble pounds, but so far it's a no-go.

And the final bit of news...WE GOT A COUCH!!!!! We've been sitting in our Adirondack chairs for the past eight weeks, but our generous parents offered to help us furnish our apartment for Christmas. Yes, I realize we're only halfway through November, but when you find a deal on a couch like this, you don't wait.

Thanks, parents!! The three of us are much more comfortable now.

And finally, in case you missed it over Halloween, I found the way into my coworkers' hearts: dancing like an idiot. Enjoy my "cat lady" rocking out to some Michael Jackson...and have a wonderful week!

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