Sunday, March 15, 2015

all the things.

I know, I know, it's been a long time.

A lot has happened since Christmas Eve, and I have no hopes of fully catching you up on everything, but here's a few major highlights:

1. I have a new job.
At the end of January, I was hired by a really successful real estate team here in San Antonio to manage their database, help out with their radio show, and do some creative marketing. Did I know anything about real estate? Nope. But they were willing to train me. In the last six weeks, my brain has probably been expanded by about 20%. SO.MUCH.INFORMATION. But I really love it! My goal in finding a job was just to get out of Starbucks and into a schedule that would allow me a full night's sleep. The idea of being hired by the best in the business to do things I actually like while learning a new trade? Never entered my mind. That's my God, showing off.

2. We love our church.
I didn't believe it was possible to find another church that we would love as much as Seacoast, but...well, here we are. We are Compass people. The congregation is solid and growing, the worship team is getting tighter each week, and the student ministry is being blessed by a certain handsome husband of mine. We're also part of an up-and-coming young couples group, which means we finally get to host some cookouts and game nights. High fives all around.

3. This book.

Y'all. This book has wrecked me in every good possible way. I've been an emotional mess all week, staring all dove-eyed at Travis and feeling honeymoon-ey. I think I'm about to drive that man crazy. It's just one of the best pictures of marriage I have ever read. And more than that, it's given me a picture of how passionately God loves me...there just really aren't words to describe all the things in my heart. Let's just say, God has done a major work in my heart this week, through very unexpected means.

4. Our anniversary.
We're into our fourth year already? Seriously? How did this happen? Wasn't it just yesterday we were in a big, beautiful room with a group of 200 people who will never be in the same room together again, celebrating and listening to the typhoon weather outside?
Trav and I celebrated our anniversary in a truly lovely little town nearby called Fredericksburg, Texas. It was a restful weekend, mostly because it was 30 degrees and raining outside, but it was just what we needed. This year, we've grown as individuals and as a couple. We've become stronger, and yet more dependent--on each other, but mostly on God--in all good ways. Here's to year four bringing more of that goodness.

5. The cat.
Mr. Bingley got a new feather toy from Aunt Amy over Christmas, and he is crazy about it. That, combined with a new laser toy, is helping him lose some weight. His exercise/play time hits around 9pm every night--that's when he starts meowing for his toys (seriously). Hoping to shave about two pounds off that boy. Apparently 16lbs is a healthy weight for this cat! He's such a handsome fat boy.

So, there you have it--the basics. The Thunderbird is still rolling, thank God, and we're just happy to be alive and well and living this adventure. Hopefully I'll get back to writing more consistently, but until then...
Much love to you all,

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